

By registering for this event, by participating, or by attempting to participate, in this event, you acknowledge that you agree to abide by all applicable federal and state laws, regulations, standards, and guidelines, and the following terms:

You hereby for your heirs, executors and administrators assume any and all risks which might be associated with the attendance of this event. You waive and release any and all rights and claims of any nature for damages which you may have against Buffalo Barkery, Buffalo Dapper Paws, Marlee and Me Photography and all others connected with this event, their representatives, successors and assign for any and all injuries or damages of any kind whatsoever suffered by me or my dog(s) as a result of taking part in the event and any related activities. You give your permission for photographs and videos taken at the event in which your image or the image of any of your minor children or my dog(s) appears to be used for promotional and/or advertising purposes by Buffalo Barkery and all others connected with this event without compensation to your or your minor children.

You agree to adhere to the following rules while attending the event:

All dogs MUST have and wear proof of a valid dog license from their state of residence.

Dog handlers must be 16 years of age or older.

Dogs must be sociable and remain leashed while at the event.

All dogs must be current on vaccinations including rabies and distemper.

All dogs must be spayed/neutered.

You acknowledge that you agree that you accept personal responsibility for any and all actions of your dog(s) and agree that your dog(s) will be in your care, custody, and control during the event. You hereby represent and confirm that your dog(s) is in good health and current on all vaccinations including rabies, DHLP, Parvo, and Bordatella, and that your dog(s) is not the subject of a quarantine order, a pending adjudication or administrative hearing, and has never been declared a dangerous, potentially dangerous or vicious or potentially vicious dog. You acknowledge that Buffalo Barkery and all others connected with this event reserve the right to exclude or eject any and all unruly, rowdy, or disruptive participant, dog owner or dog from the event and that you shall be fully responsible for any damages or expenses, direct or indirect, incurred as a result of yourself or your dog’s disruptive behavior and/or ejection. You further agree that any individual associated with Buffalo Barkery and all others connected with this event may authorize necessary treatment for you and/or your dog(s) in the event of injury.